I'm participating in an authors' promotional event at work on Monday. At Cheshire Police headquarters. In the canteen. There are four or five us involved and I think the others all have actual physical books to display and sell. I have 100 not-very-good cards from Vistaprint (the proof copy printed out way better on my home pc than on their cards). How do you sell an ebook other than online?
But I shall appear on Monday and put my cards on the desk. Maybe stick around and have a chat with the others. Possibly even put in an appearance at lunchtime when it gets busy (the canteen that is, not the queue to look at my cards). Because my jacket cover has been up on posters all week with my name on. And my guilty secret is out. I'm an author. And not only do I write - I write sex and drugs and other unspeakable nasty things. What on earth work colleagues are going to make of it all, I don't know, but I suppose "coming out" was inevitable as soon as I uploaded my book onto kindle. After all I want to sell it and if people don't know it's there, they can't buy it, can they?