Monday, 29 September 2008

HarperCollins editorial review

'...very strong struff, but it’s an immensely powerful hook with which to kick off the book.'

... is what HarperCollins had to say about my psychological thriller novel Hamelin's Child, which was one of the top 5 most popular books on the Authonomy site in August, as voted by other members.

'Hamelin’s Child is well written and very engaging. You paint a clear and harrowing picture of the world of narcotics and its terrible consequences both on individuals and society at large. From the outset the reader sympathises with Mikey, and I was truly intrigued to discover what challenge he would face next - whether his sister Kate would ever be able to bring him back home.'

Great comments! All I need now is a publisher prepared to take a chance on a 'marmite' novel.


Anne Brooke said...

Great stuff, Debbie, and well deserved too. If I were you, I'd target the small press with that - Canongate, Snowbooks, Two Rivers Press, etc etc - because as they say also, it's not going to fit the narrow boundaries of the big guys. The small press is more liberal in its approach. Good luck!



Debbie Bennett said...

Thanks Anne. I tried Snowbooks a while back - not sure about the other two. Waiting on a reply from Ed Victor agency at present - Charlie has the whole ms post Winchester. I did email him a link to HC's comments though!

Hope you're feeling better!
