Friday, 4 May 2012

May Update

I've neglected this blog a bit lately. Been busy writing, setting up part of the new AuthorsElectric website and other mostly mundane things. If you look at the Authors Electric blog site, you'll see we've had over 23 thousand hits in the last 30 days. That's a lot of people looking at our stuff! Mostly due to the concerted efforts of those AE members who did a massive free book promotion to coincide with World Book Night.

So - sales of my ebooks are still riding high. I've started thinking about a cover for Paying the Piper - maybe this will provide some much-needed motivation?  JT Lindroos did my covers for Edge & Hamelin and he's kindly agreed to do Piper for me too, so there'll be some continuity and it will actually look like a follow-on novel. Watch this space!

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