Monday, 1 September 2008

Made the top 5 on Authonomy!

Yes, another Authonomy post, but hey - my sex-and-drugs thriller Hamelin's Child was voted as one of the top 5 best books on Authonomy for the first month! I'm thrilled to bits. It doesn't guarantee publication, but it does get me a proper reading and critique by a HarperCollins editor. Getting real live editors of the big publishing houses to read things these days is pretty rare as most of them no longer accept unsolicited submissions. So it's a step in the right direction. The book is now at number 3 in the all-time-favourites list, so go on over and have a read ...


Katharine D'Souza said...

Hi Debbie
congratulations on your Authonomy success and here's hoping HC have something useful to say to you!
I've started my campaign to get backers for Map Reading, hence the new blog. Any tips, on blogging, Authonomy, writing or life in general, gratefully accepted!

Debbie Bennett said...

Gosh - I don't do much blogging! I only started it to keep one step ahead of my 12 year-old. Read Anne Brooke's blog for how it ought to be done!

Thanks for your support and tips. Am working my way through an edit (including your email), just on the offchance that HC might want to see more ... I can but hope.


Anne Brooke said...

Well done, Debbie - and well deserved too! I hope HC have some sense and take Hamelin's Child on - it's the best thing I've read in ages.

